- 8 oz. Of Gadre Long Legs specifically for Breading and Battering (For Frying)
- 1 Pack of Ramen Noodles
- Scallions
- Kimchi
- Ramen Stock (Shio, Miso, or Dashi)
- Gochujang Paste or Similar
- Vegtables to liking (Bean Sprouts, Bamboo, etc.)
Preperation / Cooking:
- Boil Water and let simmer, add salt and 1 tbs of Dashi stock per 3 cups of Water.
- Cut and prep Gadre Long Legs for Breading and Battering(for Frying), Kimchi, and additional Vegetables to desired length. For any additional Vegetables like Bean Sprouts or Bamboo, make sure to flash boil them in a separate pot of hot water.
- Dice Scallion and set for later
- Prepare bowls with 1tbs of Gochujang Paste, Scallions, and Ramen Stock.
- Take 1-1 ½ cups of Boiling water with Dashi, and pour into bowls.
- Boil Ramen noodles, boil for 30 seconds to a minute. For best results, lightly stretch noodles and place in strainer ALREADY placed in pot of boiling water.
- Take noodles out and place in Bowl.
- Plate and Serve.